Outdoor Furniture Refinishing Pros
in Charlottesville, Virginia

A & T Refinishing Charlottesville, VA
A & T Refinishing Charlottesville, VA

During the cold months, your outdoor furniture gets slammed with harsh weather: snow, ice, rain, and below-freezing temperatures. These conditions can cause severely damage, leading to  unsightly or unusable or unusable furniture

A & T Refinishing offers outdoor furniture cleaning and refinishing. The refinishing process consists of the following: 

  • Each piece will be thoroughly pressure cleaned
  • Furniture will be sandblasted as needed
  • Required additional sanding will be done by hand
  • Depending on the material makeup of the of the outdoor furniture, we will use a stain, enamel paint, or direct-to-metal paint

A & T Refinishing serves Charlottesville, Nelson County, Albemarle County, Madison County, Green County, Central Virginia and the surrounding areas.

Get your free furniture refinishing consult today.

Are you ready to have your outdoor furniture refinished to like-new condition? Contact us to discuss your needs and to make an appointment for a free, detailed consult.