Your Drywall Repair Experts
in Charlottesville, Virginia

Your home’s walls get a lot of wear and tear. With the passage of time walls crack and breaches appear. And, accidents happen, leaving unsightly dents and holes.
Now is the time to get your drywall repaired. A & T Refinishing offers expert drywall repair.
Our skilled and experienced drywall team provides the following:
- Freshly repainted walls for a smooth and elegant finish
- Efficient work and rapid completion
- Professional clean-up and immaculate restoration of your living space
A & T Refinishing serves Charlottesville, Nelson County, Albemarle County, Madison County, Green County, Central Virginia and the surrounding areas.
Get your free drywall repair consultation today.
Are you ready to have your home’s drywall repaired to like-new condition? Contact us to discuss your needs and to make an appointment for a free, detailed consult.