Your Cabinet Refinishing Specialists
in Charlottesville, Virginia

A & T Refinishing Charlottesville, VA
A & T Refinishing Charlottesville, VA

Do you know you are ready for a change to your cabinets, but you’re just not sure where to start? A & T Refinishing has you covered!

Cabinets play a vital role in your kitchen’s overall aesthetics and functionality. Over time their appearance can fade, leaving your kitchen looking dull and outdated. But before you consider replacing them, have you ever thought about refinishing them?

Refinishing your kitchen cabinets is a cost-effective and transformative way to breathe new life into your kitchen.

The process of refinishing can vary depending on factors such as the current condition of the cabinets, the desired finish, and the materials used.  We use a 2K polyurethane called Milesi Italian Wood Coating that requires the mixture of a catalyst and hardener to create durable layers on any wooden surface. A & T Refinishing offers a 10-year warranty on all cabinets refinished with Milesi.

Prep is crucial for proper adhesion, and a high-quality primer is essential for durability and smooth finish.  Primer also helps to cover any imperfections and creates a solid base for the Milesi Wood Coating.

 At A&T Refinishing, we take pride in our meticulous attention to detail and our commitment to quality. Our experienced team will work with you to choose the perfect colors and finishes, transforming your kitchen into a space you’ll love. 

A & T Refinishing serves Charlottesville, Nelson County, Albemarle County, Madison County, Green County, Central Virginia and the surrounding areas.

Get your free cabinet consultation today.

Are you ready to refresh or reimagine your cabinets? Contact us to discuss your needs and to make an appointment for a free, detailed consult.